Wednesday, December 16, 2015

So I have these boots:
They're Picadilly Circus boots. That's the name of the brand. Picadilly Circus is a place in London England that hippies during the '60's used to hang out at - that, I think you do know. So I've got one of my boots in my hand right now, as I'm writing this, and looking it over, I'm thinking, these boots are way too snazzy for the sixties. Nobody wore boots like these in the sixties, not even the poser hippies, wanna be hippies, or even people in the entertainment business, there's just too much of a wow factor going on here. I guess Picadilly Circus is meant to mean something else. Anyway, I was thinking a while back, what can I do with these spectacular beauties? Then it struck me, Black Friday, how to wear these gorgeous babies. I went to bed very early because mom, my little brother and I were going to hit the malls unbelievably early to get some of the bargains, then back home for more shopping online. Black Friday should be considered an extension of Chanukah because it's just so darn convenient for Chanukah gift shopping. Chanukah isn't a Jewish Christmas; it's a Jewish super Christmas. On the other hand, both Black Friday and Cyber Monday are a little early for the hesitant types, but who's counting.
Guess what I wore for Black Friday shopping? I've already given you a hint as to the foot wear, and if you read my Google+ post you'd get a further hint, still can't figure it out? Well, here it is - drum roll please, and now to let the shoe, I mean boot, fall (it did fall, it's hard to type and hold a boot at the same time):
Ta da! I call this look "slick gypsy" - it's a just a slickened gypsy style. When my little brother heard me on the phone talking to Buddy and I mentioned "slick gypsy" he told me that would be a good name for his band - slick gypsy - I mean, come on! Little brothers can be so stupid some times.
When people think of gypsies they think: crystal balls, palm readings in dark places, head scarves - hey, wait a minute! I'm wearing a head scarf! Yep, had to give in to convention a wee bit. The norm for the gypsy look seems to have fallen into a holding pattern that's a combo of grunge and regular old boho. Frankly, the look has gotten completely stale in my opinion: the same colors, same dresses, jewelry, boots, everything's the same. I have a board on Pinterest titled: Gypsy Queen Romanian style, and I'd say my look is my interpretation of how a gypsy queen or princess - if there is such a thing - would dress. It's not just the jewelry and head scarf that makes the look. The loose, chiffon, colored blouse, the short, circular applique, jacket - love it by the way! - and the black, alligator bell bottoms - which don't seem to be real alligator in spite of their price, because if you look very close you can see the scales were stitched on, and I don't think God stitches the scales on alligators ( you've got to be prepared for over priced stuff nowadays) - anyway, all of that stuff, along with the flashy Picadilly Circus boots, gives the whole look a mysterious edge to it; it brings out the Romanian side of me.
Now, a bit about my face: using the Covergirl stuff: blast flipstick "Tease", with Shineblast gloss "Heat" and Lip perfection lip liner "Beloved" on my lips;
Exact Eyelights eye brightening  eye shadow "Vivid Green", Bombshell intensity "Chocolate Kiss" eyeliner,
Flamed up mega curl mascara "very black blaze" on my eyes - can't see them too well; sunglasses you know - foundation and concealer, both Covergirl, nothing special there; and finally, Cheekers blush "Plumberry glow."
You're probably dying to ask me at this point: "Naomi, how can you go shopping in those boots, the heels look ginormous!" My answer, "Yep, tad on the high side, they still have a platform , and sometimes big heels can come in handy when you're shopping, you'd be surprised."
So there you have it, didn't get anything for Buddy at the mall, had to order something online through an auto parts store for him - woops! hope I didn't give anything away! Got my little brother a gift for Chanukah, no surprise now since Chanukah is over:
You might think it's a joke and he did a little too, though I wasn't kidding, I thought he'd look cute in it, sort of a bed time gift. Then again maybe it was the slick gypsy-band name comments that made me do it.
I suppose that's all for now. Come back again for more exciting fashion that you can get only here, at Naomi's Fashionable World.
You saw my Polyvore sets? Yep, back on Polyvore again; don't forget to like some of them, thanks!
Catchya later.

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