Friday, July 14, 2017

So. You're having lunch with your BFF and...woops! Spill some coffee on your favorite PU pants. Or: maybe you're on a date, sitting in he movie theater waiting for he feature to start, hey, now's a good time for some new see something out of he corner of your eye: "Is that...?" woops! Turning, you get lipstick all over the collar of your PU jacket. No, it's not time to rush home and trash what might be your favorite PU. Sure, PU can be tough to clean; how the heck do you clean PU anyway? Well, this post will show you how. It's easier than you think;it just takes a little time. First off, remember that throwing your PU stuff in the washer and then he dryer is a no, no. Washing machines can kill PU and dryers with all that heat can be even worse.
The first thing to remember about PU is that it's a plastic, so, what do you use to clean plastic? Well, it's not any ordinary because PU is so flexible. Of course, polyester is plastic, and many garments are made of that, but PU is more sensitive to heat and wrinkling.
To get your fave PU clean what you'll need first is water. A soft cloth, something that won't scratch the PU and leave permanent marks. A largish wash basin. And some kind of soap. Practically any soap will work, but what I find best is dish washing soap. It gets out the stains and, since it's used for cleaning stuff you'll eat off of later, well, it should be safe for something close to your skin.
For general everyday old cleaning follow the steps in the photos below:

Simply work the clothes gently in a wash basin full of soapy water. After that, follow the same procedure in clean, clear water until the soap is rinsed out. Lastly, you're going to want to dry out the PU garment so it doesn't attract mold. Hang it up in an airy, warm place until dry.
For tougher stains, follow the procedures in the following vid:
Make sure to dry out your clothes as explained earlier. And that's about it for cleaning PU.
Check back again for more fashion stuff.
Catchya later.

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