Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"Gosh! You're very tall!" the guy noted, lowering his camera. "It's the boots dude." I explained. The guys wanted a photo of me standing beside a stadium truck, just one of the exciting activities at this year's Detroit Grand Prix.

This year's Grand Prix was different from last year's. For one, I was working the Grand prix as a car/promo girl not a spectator. Another difference was my outfit. It wasn't intended to be a car girl uniform though that's what it ended up being. It was my to-work-outfit, that so impressed the boss he suggested I wear it full time. Great! By the end of the day the boots wound up almost killing me.

So, about the outfit: starting at the top: worn this hat before. Seemed a perfect choice, looks a bit like the paint schemes on some folks' fast cars. Next a PU jacket/skirt combo, certainly looks race worthy. Funny thing about it is that it reminds me of an outfit from a not very good online game I had been playing. Yes, I'll admit it, like most college students I've played my share of online games. This game, a little embarrassing, it's called Big Bang Empire, here's a screen shot:

The color scheme and pattern on the game's jumpsuit and the jacket/sirtsuit on me are startingly similar. Funny, the skirt/jacket
combo are (or were) distributed by Dabawaw, best known for a sort of fairy fashion / anime type style. The big joke, I suppose,
is the online games setting is well, different let's say. When I first saw the jumpsuit in game, I swore
I could have seen it before and had to double check my closet to make sure. A bit racy? Yes, but this is an auto race. To complete the outfit: thigh high platform boots. They match the hat pattern wise with a '70's feel to boot.
Well, here's the start of my day, greeting race fans at the track entrance:

Got another request from a fan for a photo shoot, you'll note no top -there's still a jacket, however - seemed a bit superfluous once the weather and job requirements had been taken into consideration. Apparently, the no bag rule wasn't in effect for the Grand Prix, that, though, is not the reason for a purse being absent from my assemblage. Purses and bags simply aren't part of the whole car girl image, so I left mine in my locker. Good thing I didn't leave it in my car, because then I'd have to contend with the whole chicken and the egg car key contradiction.
Last year's Grand prix I went with my ex Buddy and this year I bumped into him here again. I had that funny feeling he'd
be here...must be his voracious interest in anything automotive. Feelings weren't especially warm, though civil. Summing things up, here's a shot from the race track paddock of that stadium truck going through it's paces, plus, yours truly.

Normally the stadium trucks race on a dirt track, learned that cuddled up with Buddy watching some stadium truck races
on TV. For the Detroit Grand Prix, they had to set up ramps. Oops! Forgot the mirrored sunglasses, a definite part of the car girl's wardrobe. So that's it from another exciting Detroit Grand Prix. If you can make it to Detroit, it’s a can’t-miss stop. You can always watch the races from the streets if you don't want to splurge for a ticket. Check back here again for more about the exciting world of fashion. And, I've got another youtube video up. I'm not the star but if you have a taste for fake croc bags, you should watch.
Catchya later.

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