Saturday, April 23, 2016

Ever feel like you're older than you actually are? That strange sensation overcame me as I was playing some online games recently. First, though, a quick update about an earlier post. You might have read my post about the online game "Big Bang Empire." Well, it seems I've reached a dead end with that game and I'm not playing it that much. It really is a game that requires a financial investment - and I'm talking mucho dinero here - and for the enjoyment factor, it isn't a wise investment for me.

So that's that. Now, on to something else. My previous forays in the gaming world weren't entirely in keeping with the primary focus of this blog. So I decided to look around and try to find something more suitable. Here's what I found:

Sorry, can't remember the name of this one. It's basically a vote - for - design fashion type thing. Funny, I have a Pinterest board called Les Chic; a bit tongue in cheek - hey, that rhymes - since most of the stuff, I must admit, isn't exactly haute couture.
 Guess who's running LeChic?
 Hey, hey! It's Marc Jacobs! Or someone with a very similar name who looks like Marc Jacobs, which I know because I follow his Tumblr blog. Incidentally, you'll want to check out my tumblr blog: lots more stuff on there.
Play action:
 Ok, Marc, I'll get right on it:
I'm set with my models:
 Right away, boss!
Thanks for the tip! Or not?!
 What to wear, what to wear?
 Oh, thanks boss...but, really?!
Back to the drawing board, I mean closet:
 You can only help me once?! Come on! Give me a clue here!
Crossing my fingers, hope this works, sort of does...
Oh, Marc, you screwed me! Excuse the French (no pun intended)
 This is turning into a disaster! I'm going to cry! Help!
 Then go back and try again, which I didn't, nope you can't fool me, I can tell when something is overly randomized. Hey, just write it down boss!

So. Not the greatest entertainment if you take it too seriously.

I've got another game ready to talk about, but, sorry, that's enough fun for today kiddos. Which brings me back to the opening sentence: I couldn't help getting this feeling that I'm a little too old for these kind of games - a baker's dozen too old. However, I wouldn't suggest "Big Bang Empire" be played by kids that age, which is weird because otherwise it would be a bit of a kids' game.

Well, that's it for today's post, don't forget to check back again to satisfy your craving for fashion. There will be more "adult" fashion in the future - I promise!

catchya later.


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