Friday, March 11, 2016

Well, it's back to the old grind. What grind Naomi? You ask? The 2016 North American International Auto Show that's what! The North American International Auto show - or Detroit Auto show as it used to be called - is the intrinsic essence of Detroit. That's what made this city great: cars. I can remember as a little girl, Daddy taking my little bro and I to the show, and it was so interesting. More so for my little brother than I, yet, still, all of the people, the cars, those fancy expensive cars! It's those expensive cars that get the crowds in, not the Mazda Miatas or Toyota Celicas. Maybe you reached this post by way of my Google+ post, if you did you got a big hint. What I'm writing about today are the cars that almost no one can afford and that almost no one buys. Yet, those are the cars that get the most attention at the show; take it from me; I've been there. So what's that got to do with fashion, Naomi? You ask? Well, think of them as accessories, very expensive accessories.
Now, the first car on the list has got to be this one:

The VLF Force 745HP. Surprisingly ugly for its price tag, yet it garnered the most attention. If it was black, I'd guess it was a witch's ride. Never heard of VLF before seeing it at the show. Next up:
The Ford GT40. What was Ford thinking by re-resurrecting this monstrosity? Got lots of attention, though. I would assume that most people inspecting it are deficient financially to afford it. Now, a different take on the daily driver and it's still expensive:
An environmentally friendly concept car from Nissan. Very few were interested in this car, which explains why I'll be a grandmother when the first solar car hits the bricks. Who can blame the anxious consumer when the price tag of these things is well beyond the reach of most of them. Back to the unaffordable gas guzzlers:
Mazda's Le Mans SCCA, or whatever they race it in, race car. I would suppose you need a race team to get one of these as it hardly seems street legal. Got a lot of attention, though.
Speaking of racing, who would have thunk it? Toyota has a Funny Car! Reminds me of my ex's, which by the way is partially mine, though he can drive his on the street. Not sure if this Toyota is any faster; couldn't find out what they have under the hood.

Of course you've got your Corvettes. Might be one of the reasons Chevy went down the tubes temporarily. The bottom photo shows the great interest this car is garnering. Often, I'd over hear people bemoaning the price tag, and how the object of their desire would be so much better off in their hands.

Vipers. Chrysler is resistant to change, their price tags? Not so much. Basically the same thing from 10 years ago at twice the price.
To round things out, here's something that wasn't at the auto show, but would fit right in:

A Sponge Bob Square Pants Toyota! Yuck! Worst cartoon ever! The car, on the other hand, looks adorable. Since it's in Texas I didn't inspect it personally though from the photos it looks like they did a good job.
Well, that's all from the North American Auto Show for now, your intrepid auto reporter Naomi is about to sign off. Before I go, I should mention something about the boots in my Google+ post:
Beautiful PU boots with ginormous 5 and 1/2" stiletto heels. They look a ta bit like these:
But no, they are different. Sometimes you can't get enough of the same thing, just slightly different.
Well, this is really it:
Catchya later.

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